Hotel Accessibility
For guests with a disability, seeking independent adventures, requiring additional support, or travelling with family or friends with limited mobility, Cairns Harbourside Hotel is fully equipped to offer an accessible-friendly stay, to ensure your experience is enjoyable, safe and accessible.
Accessible guest rooms
Guest room furniture can be rearranged
Grab bars and tall toilets available
Adequate clear turning space in bathrooms
Bathtub seat
Handheld shower with hose
Built-in shower transfer seats
Roll-in showers
Safety bar in shower
Accessible bathroom controls
Accessible parking
Wheelchair accessible parking spaces
Parking drop-off point adjacent to entrance
Accessible hotel features
Lift access to all floors
Lift near accessible rooms
Swimming pool hoist
Wheelchair accessibility
Two standalone rooms
Wheelchair access to the restaurant and bar
Hearing accessibility
Visual alarms and alerts in rooms and public spaces
Hearing-impaired services
Vision accessibility
Emergency instructions written in 14 point font
Audible alarms in hallways
QTIC accreditation
Cairns Harbourside Hotel is accredited by QTIC